Petroleum Industrial Refrigeration: Operation and MaintenanceProses pendinginan memainkan peranan penting pada proses industri minyak dan gas seperti pemurnian gas, proses likufikasi di ladang minyak bumi. Cakupan komprehensif dari teori dasar, terminologi terbaru, metode pemecahan masalah, dan prosedur perbaikan. Training ini akan membahas mengenai dasar teori, terminologi terbaru, metode pemecahan masalah, dan prosedur perbaikan dalam operasi dan perawatan pendingin minyak dan gas.

Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, para peserta diharapkan mampu:
1. Memahami dasar operasi dan perawatan mesin pendingin pada industry minyak dan gas;
2. Melakukan analisa terhadap kondisi mesin pendingin pada industry minyak dan gas
3. Memahami metode pemecahan masalah dalam operasi dan perawatan mesin pendingin pada industry minyak dan gas;


Table of Contents

Day 1

1. The Field of Industrial Refrigeration
a. Feature of Petroleum Industrial Refrigeration than Comfort Air Conditioning
b. What is Industrial Refrigeration
c. Application of Refrigeration in Petroleum Industries
2. Units, Refrigerant Issues, and Refrigerant Properties
a. Unit Systems and Conversion
b. Recent Issue and International Paradigm
c. Ozone Depletion and Global Warming
d. Benefit of Ozone and Effect of Ozone Hole
e. Naming Rule for Refrigerants
f. Refrigerant Requirements and Desirable Qualities
g. Refrigerants Properties
h. p-h Diagram of Refrigerant
3. Refrigeration Cycle
a. Essential of a Refrigeration System
b. Vapour Compression Cycle
c. Absorption Cycle
d. Ejector Refrigeration Cycle
e. Brayton Refrigeration Cycle
f. Absorption Cycle
4. Properties of Oil and Natural Gas
a. Petroleum Reservoir Fluids
b. Petroleum is Mixture Fluid
c. Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids
d. Transport Properties of Fluids
e. Thermodynamic Diagrams
5. Refrigeration and Cryogenic Systems in Gas Process
a. What is Different of Refrigeration and Cryogenic System
b. What is Different of Refrigeration and Cryogenic System
c. What is Different of Refrigeration and Cryogenic System
d. Natural Gas Treatment Process
e. Purification Process for Natural Gas Upgrading
f. Hydrate Forming and Nature Hydrate
g. Water Removal
h. Gas Dehydration and Treating

Day 2

6. Components of Refrigeration Systems
a. Compressor
b. Condenser
c. Evaporator
d. Refrigerant Piping
e. Liquid Circulation
f. Valves and Refrigerant Control
7. Lubrication and Oil Handling
a. Oil in Refrigeration System
b. Some Types of Refrigeration Oil
c. Some Terms Used to Characterize Oil
d. Viscosity
e. Contaminants in Oil
f. Coalescing Oil Separators
g. Removing Oil from Refrigeration System
8. Safety
a. Safety Requirement
b. Safety Code
c. Relief Valve
d. Ventilation of Machinery Rooms
e. Piping and Valves
f. Vessels
g. Fire Protection
h. Leak detection
i. A Plant Safety Plan
9. Operation and Maintenance
a. Refrigerant Recharging
b. Refrigerant Recycle
c. Normal Operation
d. Maintenance
e. Refrigerant Recovery
f. Troubleshooting
g. Reparation
h. Workshop Tools and Related Instructions
10. Retrofit and Its Problems
a. What is Retrofit
b. Problem in Retrofit
c. Suitable of Oil and Refrigerant
d. Refrigerant Recycle
e. Refrigerant Reclamation

Presentasi, Diskusi, Case Study, Evaluasi

Tim Instruktur

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