WP&B, AFE and POD - Production Sharing Contracts needs approvals for Work Program &Budget, Authorization for Expenditure and Plan of Development from BP Migas. The approvals are based on the economic and optimal management of the programs. Therefore, the understanding of petroleum business, economic evaluation and management optimization. To understand Petroleum Economic Evaluation needs knowledge of petroleum proven reserve and production, price, costs, government takes, contractor profit, minimum return and Production Sharing Contract. Participant  Financial Analyst Project Engineering and Economic Team Development Planning Team Geophysicist and Geologist Reservoir Engineers, Production Engineers and Drilling Engineers Anybody who wish to learn the course subjects Outline WP&B, AFE and POD 1. Dynamics of Petroleum Business 2. Methods to Measure Profit Indicators 3. Government Take from Tax and non Tax 4. Production Sharing Contract 5. Work Program and Budget 6. Authorization for Expenditure 7. Plan of Development Method Presentasi, Diskusi,Case Study, Evaluasi Instruktur Tim Instruktur [ninja_form id=2]

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