To innovative, progressive, go-ahead banks these changes, known collectively as e-Banking (and to some as Digital Banking) hold great promise to change the way banking operations are carried out. And with that change will come new processes, procedures and business models.On the positive side these changes present vast business opportunities for banks while on the flipside they have dramatically modified and in some cases increased many of the traditional risks associated with banking activities. The Internet banking Program is a unique opportunity designed to expand the participants’ knowledge and skills of the world's newest electronic frontier the Internet. The program provides participants’ with a two days training course on how to access, search, retrieve and post Internet Banking  information.   
  1. Have thorough understanding of   Internet Banking within the scope  and framework of  Information System Management
  2. Knowledge and skill in dealing with the operational issues as related to internet services within day-to-day banking operation
  3. Enhanced the horizon in IT Banking  system by applying the concept and philosophy of Information System Management
  4. Capability in understanding IT services and Internet Banking Services  and establishing the performance measures on the services
  5. Contribute ideas for the set up development framework of the Information System and  its implementation as related to Internet banking Services
  6. Target Audience
  7. Information System users and especially Internet Banking service users
  1. Mindset of Success
  2. The Face of E-Banking
  3. The Definition
  4. E-Banking Innovation, Trends & Directions
  5. Operating Strategis & Management Models
  6. Risk Management in e-Banking
  7. Innovation in e-Banking
  8. The future of Bank Branch
  9. The future is Now – E-Banking/Digital Banking
  10. Case Study
Staff marketing atau accounting perusahaan, Wirausahawan dan juga umum  
  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi dan juga Sharing Pengalaman
Kami memberikan instruktur menyesuaikan jadwal dan juga lokasi peserta. Kemudian, setelah peserta fix training/sertifikasi kami akan memberikan informasi trainer. ****************************************************************** Kami ingin memberikan pengalaman terbaik kepada Anda. Dengan demikian, informasi terkait jadwal OPPORTUNITY AND RISK IN DIGITAL BANKING dapat menghubungi kami segera. Di lain pihak, sebagai PT Duta Mandiri Nusa, kami berdedikasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelatihan dan sertifikasi Anda semaksimal mungkin. Maka dari itu, percayakan pelatihan dan sertifikasimu kepada PT Duta Mandir Nusa. #TrainingPastiRunning Pantau instagram PT Duta Mandiri Nusa untuk informasi jadwal terbaru. Dan juga follow akun tiktok kami untuk konten video hiburan.  

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