

COAL BED METHANE -  adalah sejenis gas alam (CH4) yang tersimpan atau terperangkap di dalam lapisan batubara dimana merupakan salah satu produk dari coalification yang mengubah bahan-bahan asal tumbuh-tumbuhan menjadi maceral batubara.  Indonesia mempunyai cadangan CBM yang besar dan berpotensi yang berasal dari belasan cekungan batubara di darat. Namun CBM merupakan sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbaharui. Oleh karena itu, sumber daya ini harus dikelola dengan pemahaman dan tindakan yang tepat sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan secara efisien.


Day 1

  1. The Overview of Technical Aspect of CBM Business
  1. Introduction to Coal Bed Methane (CBM)
  2. Development of CBM National and International Spectrum
  3. CBM as a Reservoir
  4. Method of Drilling and Production
  5. Design of Gas Transmission Pipeline
  6. Design of Crude, Oil, and Produced Water Transportation Pipeline
  7. HSE Aspect of CBM Explotations
  8. National Development of CBM
  9. Economic Aspect and Project Calculation for CBM

Day 2

  1. The Contractual, Legal, and Financial Aspect of CBM Business
  1. Understanding the Mechanism of PSC and CBM Contract
  2. Introduction: Financial Influences and Non Financial Divisions
  3. CBM & Petroleum Business in Brief: Global Competitiveness
  4. CBM Operation in Brief
  5. General Petroleum including CBM Accounting and Taxation
  6. The Philoshopy of PSC
  7. Cost Recovery
  8. CBM Contract, PSC, & Business Process
  9. PSC & CBM Contract: Procedure in Practice
  10. PSC & CBM Contract: Term & Application
  11. PSC & CBM Contract: Calculation
  12. PSC &  CBM Contract: Financial Budgeting & Reporting
  13. Understanding the PSC Key Performance and Sensitivity
  1. Due Diligence
  1. Gas Content Analysis
  2. Gas Content Quality Control
  3. Measuring and Changing Permeability
  4. Net Coal
  5. Gas Composition Changes
  6. Isotherm Consideration
  7. Reserve/Production Ratio
  8. Development Constraint Maps
Metode Presentasi, diskusi, studi kasus, evaluasi Peserta Manager, Supervisor, staff, serta pihak lain yang terlibat secara langsung maupun tidak langsung yang ingin memperdalam pengetahuan tentang Coal Bed Methane. Instruktur Tim Instruktur

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